Episode VI: It’s time to grill The Grid

14 Jun

On May 12, 2011, EYE WEEKLY became The Grid, a city magazine for people in their 20s and 30s. “A younger, hipper, more provocative version of Toronto Life in a weekly guise,” was the soundbite from publisher Laas Turnbull.

On June 7, some people willing to grill The Grid visited my Queen East recording studio and we talked about the publication, its place in Toronto and its competitors.

I would be remiss not to mention that a couple days after recording the show, The Grid published what I consider their most provocative piece, “Dawn of a new Gay.” During Real Talk, Adam and I wanted this sort of article to become a regular occurrence.



Download Episode 6 (MP3 version) here.

Download Episode 7 (AAC version) here.


  • Host/Moderator:

 Pierre Hamilton, Communications Associate/cultural curator


 Beth Palmer, PhD student at York University — Abortion Activism and Second-wave Feminism; co-founder Low Brow Highball Cocktail Club (Beth’s Twitter Feed)

 Dave Colangelo, PhD student at Ryerson University — Communication and Culture, particularly screen based public art and the impact of digital media on art, design and perception (Dave’s website)

 Adam Kohn, Account Executive at Kubik; co-founder of Low Brow Highball Cocktail Club. (Adam’s Twitter Feed)

Required Reading:

My guests chilling in the green room AKA my living room:

EMAIL ME AT > pierre.hamilton@gmail.com

TWITTER @pierrehamilton

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